Looking at Hindutva Through The Visual Medium of Memes—Supratik Sinha

Hindutva as an ideological force has gained prominence and visibility after 2014 with the election of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to the Centre. Christophe Jaffrelot, in his book Hindu Nationalism: A Reader, comments that Hindu Nationalism emerged from the “superimposition of a religion, a culture, a language, and a sacred territory-the perfect recipe for … Continue reading Looking at Hindutva Through The Visual Medium of Memes—Supratik Sinha

Amidst the Squealers: The Media in the Democratic Circus—Riya Lohia

Courtesy: Alfredo Garzon, Cartoon Movement. The mass media, considered the fourth pillar of democracy, exists today amidst total frenzy. It has been hollowed by noise, insignificant debates, emotional appeals, and distorted facts and has abandoned its responsibilities as watchdog, social critic, navigator of information, and, most importantly, shaper of discernible public opinion. The media’s reliance … Continue reading Amidst the Squealers: The Media in the Democratic Circus—Riya Lohia