Agyeya’s ‘The Writer And His Society’—Transcreated by Tushar Srivastava

Sachchidanand Hiranand Vatsyayan, ‘Agyeya’, at his home in Delhi [Image Courtesy: Vatsal Nidhi] Following is an attempt to ‘transcreate’[1] Agyeya’s essay titled ‘Lekhak Aur Uska Samaj’ which is excellently archived in the collections of ‘Vatsal Nidhi Prakashan Mala: Samvitti’ published by ‘Sasta Sahitya Mandal’ — to which I remain very thankful. All meanings of thought, conveyed … Continue reading Agyeya’s ‘The Writer And His Society’—Transcreated by Tushar Srivastava

Tribulations for the Future of Classical Arts in India—Arnaaz Zaman

The eviction of veteran Odissi dancer, Padma Shri Mayadhar Raut The insular world of classical arts rarely surfaces on the mainstream news-headlines in India. Yet, the eviction of Mayadhar Raut, the doyen of the Odissi dance form, from his government accommodation in New Delhi brought the fraternity to the fore of the news-cycle.  As images of … Continue reading Tribulations for the Future of Classical Arts in India—Arnaaz Zaman